Welcome to Real Tai Chi in the UKThis is a website dedicated to providing a rich source of information about Tai Chi Chuan. It is for everyone everywhere who practices, or is interested in, Tai Chi. Are you thinking of taking up Tai Chi? See Where to Start and download your free guide, Please DO NOT pay out large sums of money in advance for courses, however many free lessons are offered as an incentive, at least not without studying some of the information available on this website first. Tai Chi is brilliant and we want you to have the best possible experience, without it costing you a fortune or wasting your time studying made-up stuff. That's why we're here. Are you already doing Tai Chi? See Progression Are you looking for some information about Tai Chi? See What is Real Tai Chi? (On this site, click on the orange lettering for links to other sites and pages) _______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your feedback! Our thanks to everyone who has taken the time to contact us about this website and for sharing your own experiences, including those of you who have been "thrown out of church with your old ladies" and those of you who have come across promises of mastery within three weeks! This is exactly why we are here - to increase public awareness so that such situations are less likely to occur. _______________________________________________________________________________ Tai Chi for Health, Relaxation and Well-Being An article in Tai Chi Chuan magazine once expressed a concern that only Martial Tai Chi was being considered as "real Tai Chi" in some circles and that Tai Chi for Health was not. On the contrary, we do agree that Tai Chi has an invaluable role for health and relaxation and the vast majority of our students practice it for this reason. Our concern is not that many people practice Tai Chi only for health; it is that there are people out there claiming to teach Tai Chi without actually knowing any Tai Chi in the first place! Others have a vague idea that it was once a martial art but isn't any more. In the past, one of us was even asked to "pretend it's not a martial art so we don't put people off", which we feel is something nobody would ask of a karate, judo, aikido, kung fu, kick-boxing or any other martial arts instructor! Thankfully, that was a few years ago and the situation seems to have improved a little since then. To set the record straight, Tai Chi is indeed a martial art which can be practiced for many reasons. Whether that's for just for health or also for self-protection, it can only be called "real Tai Chi" if it follows the Tai Chi principles. Other exercise systems, which don't follow these principles, may be very useful and enjoyable and we have no objection to them at all, but we would respectfully request that they are given a different name. _______________________________________________________________________________ This website will be continually developed and further information and learning materials will be added from time to time. There are many now more learning materials out there than were available when we set up this website in 2012, and we will add more links to resourcesf that you might find particularly useful. Part of this development will be in response to feedback we receive from you, our visitors, so if you have any comments or questions, you are welcome to contact us on [email protected] Because this site is a general resource for everyone, there are no details of our own classes and instructors here. We will try to speak on behalf of the Tai Chi community as a whole, but if you want to know more about who we are and what we do, please go to: taichileeds.com _______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your interest in Tai Chi Chuan. |